Ultrasound Findings on Thyroid Nodule Malignancy

Ultrasound Findings on Thyroid Nodule Malignancy

  • Rajender Kumar Associate Professor, Department of Radiology, World College of Medical Sciences Research and Hospital, Jhajjar, Haryana, India
Keywords: Ultrasound, Fine-Needle Aspiration, Thyroid Nodules, Benign and Malignancy


Background: Thyroid nodules are a common clinical concern, and the frequency of thyroid nodules has risen as the use of thyroid ultrasonog- raphy in India has increased. Subjects and Methods: The overall number of cases in the research was 174, including 171 females and three men. Patients with more than 1 cm thyroid nodules who underwent ultrasonography were included in the study. Technique for Ultrasound Examination: Because metastatic cervical lymph nodes are regularly observed in thyroid malignancies and can affect surgical therapy and prognosis, a thorough evaluation of the neck for any cervical lymphadenopathy should always be included in the ultrasound assessment of the thyroid. Results: None of the patients had been exposed to neck irradiation as a youngster. Only one of the individuals with a benign lesion had a family history of papillary cancer (sister of the patient). There were 17.7% single nodules and 82.3 percent multiple nodules among all nodules; 40 (25.3%) solid nodules and 118 (74.7%) cystic nodules were found. There were 31 hypo-echo nodules (19.6%) and 32 hyper-echo nodules (20.6%) in terms of echogenicity. A regular edge was seen in 154 nodules (97.5%). Without Halo, 42 nodules (26.6%) were found. A total of 120 nodules (75.9%) were greater than 15mm. According to histopathological findings, benign nodules made up 89.7% of the total, whereas malignant nodules made up 10.3%. Table 2 shows a summary of FNAC and histopathology. Conclusion: Thyroid nodule size should not be used as a criterion for malignancy, and all thyroid nodules should be suspected of being malignant. Irregular edges, solid hypoechogenicity, and being a solitary nodule are all important markers for malignancy.


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How to Cite
Kumar, R. (2020). Ultrasound Findings on Thyroid Nodule Malignancy. Asian Journal of Medical Radiological Research, 8(2), 125-130. Retrieved from https://aijournals.com/index.php/ajmrr/article/view/2188
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