Publication Charges

Submission fee: The journal didn’t charges any fees on submission of manuscript.

Article Processing/Publishing Fee: ‘Academia Anatomica International’ is an open access publication, so is freely available online. The cost on publishing online editions, and to ensure continuous appearance of the journal, the core committee has decided to charge minimal fee from the authors after the acceptance of manuscript with effect from 20th February 2018 as follows;

Case Report/Original Article/Review Article Fee

Overseas authors: $110; Inland authors: Rs. 4000.00

“The bank details would be intimated to you after the acceptance of the manuscript.”


  1. After making payment the proof of payment should be produced.
  2. The manuscript fee is non-refundable, and if the author wishes to withdraw the manuscript after paying the charges, the fees in that case would not be refunded.
  3. Detailed information about how to transfer the manuscript fee will be sent on request.

If you face any problems or difficulties please contact us for further guidance. Send us the copy of the receipt as a proof of transfer of the money. Once the required transaction is confirmed by our bank, we will intimate you promptly.

Dr Nidhi Sharma
Academia Anatomica International
Phone: +919997605146