Study on Desarda versus Lichtenstein Repair for Inguinal Hernia: A Teaching Hospital Based Study

Desarda versus Lichtenstein Repair for Inguinal Hernia

  • Atul Tandon Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, Varun Arjun Medical College &Rohilkhand Hospital, Banthra, Shahjahanpur.
Keywords: Inguinal hernia complications, Lichtenstein repair and Desarda repair


Background: Hernia repair is one of the most commonly performed general surgical procedures worldwide. Subjects and Methods: A total of 46 Patients admitted to the surgical department with the diagnosis of primary inguinal hernia according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Mean operative time taken for total surgery in Desarda group was significantly shorter when compared to Lichtenstein group. No operative or post-operative mortality was detected in this study.Conclusion: Desserda repair had cost effective technique with significantly lower operative time, early return to basic and work activity, shorter hospital stays and less post-operative pain than Lichtenstein repair.


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How to Cite
Tandon, A. (2018). Study on Desarda versus Lichtenstein Repair for Inguinal Hernia: A Teaching Hospital Based Study. Asian Journal of Medical Research, 7(3), SG17-SG19. Retrieved from