Rectal neuroendocrine tumor: an unusual localization

  • Mustafa SIT Department of General Surgery, Abant Izzet Baysal University Hospital, Bolu.Turkey
  • Gulali Aktas Department of Internal Medicine, Abant Izzet Baysal University Hospital, Bolu.Turkey.
Keywords: Colonoscopy, Neuroendocrine Tumor, Polyp


The incidence of gastrointestinal neuroendocrine neoplasms has been rising in recent years. Therefore investigators paid particular
attention to such neoplasms. We present here a patient with rectal neuroendocrine tumor.A 36 year old male was admitted to our clinic with 3
months history of diarrhea and rectal bleeding. Systemic physical examination revealed no abnormalities. Colonoscopy revealed a rectal polyp of
8mm at 7-8th cm in. Polypectomy performed. Pathological examination of the polypectomy material was reported as well differantiated
neuroendocrine tumor. Positron emission tomography- computed tomography scan revealed hypermetabolic focus in rectum. Local mucosal
excision was performed and pathological examination revealed mucosal and submucosal bleeding, neovascularisation and congestion.Treatment of
the G1-differentiated neuroendocrin tumors of the rectum is either endoscopic polypectomy or endoscopic mucosal resection. We suggest that
local mucosal excision of the tumor is sufficient treatment in well differentiated (G1) and small (=1cm) neuroendocrine tumors


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How to Cite
SIT, M., & Aktas, G. (2012). Rectal neuroendocrine tumor: an unusual localization. Asian Journal of Medical Research, 1(3), 3-4. Retrieved from