Characterization Of Stroke Using MRI Diffusion Technique

  • A. Ibrahim Taif University - Faculty of Applied Medical Science P O Box 2425 post code 21944 KSA
  • C. Edward 2Sudan University - college of Medical Radiologic Science P O Box 1908 Khartoum, Sudan
  • H. Osman Taif University - Faculty of Applied Medical Science P O Box 2425 post code 21944 KSA
  • A. ELzaki Taif University - Faculty of Applied Medical Science P O Box 2425 post code 21944 KSA
Keywords: MRI T2, DWI, Stroke


Diffusion weighted imaging {DWI }is an Magnetic Resonance imaging (MRI) technique in which microscopic water motion is responsible for the
contrast within the image. The aim of the current study was to assess the accuracy and sensitivity of spin lattice relaxation time (T1), spin- spin
relaxation time (T2), Flair and Diffusion MR techniques in the diagnosing of the stroke, carried at AlZaytona specialist hospital in Khartoum, 25
MRI brain images were selected (13 male and 12 female) with the age range 40-89 who were diagnosed clinically as stroke. MRI was performed
with the T1, T2, Flair and were additionally evaluated with diffusion-weighted techniques. one Radiologist was chosen to avoid intra-experience
variation. The main results of this study were found that, (DWI) and T2 weighted images techniques had similar accuracy of 100%and sensitivity
of 71.4% in diagnosing the stroke. MRI FLAIR technique had sensitivity of 68.75% and accuracy of 88% where T1 weighted images has the least
accuracy and sensitivity as 32%and 44.4 % respectively , also study showed that the most affected age range 50-59 years. The study concluded
that the diffusion and T2 weighted images are highly accurate for diagnosing stroke


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How to Cite
Ibrahim, A., Edward, C., Osman, H., & ELzaki, A. (2013). Characterization Of Stroke Using MRI Diffusion Technique. Asian Journal of Medical Radiological Research, 1(2), 4-6. Retrieved from