Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome: a case report

  • Sainath Karnappa Andola Dept. of Pathology, M.R.Medical College, Gulbarga, 585105, Karnataka,India.
  • Kintan Jaykantbhai Sanghvi Dept. of Pathology, M.R.Medical College, Gulbarga, 585105, Karnataka,India.
  • Murlidhar Rao Dept. of Pathology, M.R.Medical College, Gulbarga, 585105, Karnataka,India.
Keywords: Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome, eosinophilia, chronic eosinophilic leukemia


Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome(IHES) is defined as eosinophilia > 1.5X109/L persisting at least for 6 months, for
which no underlying cause can be found and is associated with signs of organ involvement and dysfunction. A 55year old Male,
presented with abdominal discomfort,hepatosplenomegaly. No history of parasitic infection, drug reaction or allergy was noted.
Stool examination for parasite and other relevant investigations were unremarkable. Hemogram done on day 1 and day 21, In
between Diethyl carbamezine was given. Hemogram showed total count 86X109/L and 67X109/L, and absolute eosinophil count
36.1X109/L and 25.5X109/Lrespectively. Hemogram before 1 year showed total count of 56X109/L and absolute eosinophil count
21.8X109/L. Bone marrow aspiration revealed hypercellular marrow with increase no of eosinophilic precursor, without
disproportionate increase in myeloblasts and normal erythropoiesis and megekaryocytopoiesis. Based on clinico-hematological
findings, diagnosis of idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome was made.


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How to Cite
Andola, S. K., Sanghvi, K. J., & Rao, M. (2012). Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome: a case report. Asian Journal of Medical Research, 1(2), 3-4. Retrieved from