A Study of Mortality Pattern in Hospitalized under Five Year Age Children

Mortality Pattern in Hospitalized under Five Year Age Children

  • Sandhya Jain Assistant professor, Department of Pediatrics, World College of Medical Sciences Research and Hospital, Jhajjar Haryana, India
Keywords: Pediatrics, Retrospective and Morbidity


Background: To identify the major causes of morbidity in children under the age of five and to track seasonal fluctuations in disease occurrence. Subjects and Methods: All children admitted to the inpatient Department of Pediatrics between the ages of one month and five years, as well as those who died while receiving care at the hospital, were included in the study group. Data on several factors such as age, sex, reason of morbidity, and length of hospital stay were acquired from the record room's registers for our purposes. Results: Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) were found to be the leading cause of morbidity in children under the age of five, the monthly trend of admissions was examined, and it was discovered that ARI admissions peaked from October to February. In terms of the most common causes of morbidity in children under the age of five, a monthly trend of disease was noted, with the highest number of diarrheal cases admitted in the months of April to July, but a low prevalence of diarrheal disease in the months of September to February. Conclusion: ARI is still the leading cause of death in children under the age of five, with 35.4 percent of hospitalizations owing to ARI. This is in line with a WHO report that states that ARI is responsible for 30-40% of visits to health facilities and roughly 20-40% of hospital admissions.


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How to Cite
Jain, S. (2019). A Study of Mortality Pattern in Hospitalized under Five Year Age Children. Asian Journal of Medical Research, 8(3), PE09-PE11. Retrieved from http://aijournals.com/index.php/ajmr/article/view/2189