Unsolved Problems Treatment of Patients with Thermal Inhalation Injuries (Literature Review)

Thermal Inhalation Injuries

  • Ishnazar Boynazarovich Mustafakulov Head of the Department of Surgical Diseases, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand branch of the RSCEMP, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Central Asia.
  • Jurabek Ibodulloyevich Alimov Teacher of Surgical Department of the Pediatric Faculty, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand branch of the RSCEMP, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Central Asia
  • Akobir Fakhriddinovich Ergashev Master of Science, Department of Surgical Diseases, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand branch of the RSCEMP, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Central Asia
  • Yokubjon Erkin ugli Khursanov Master of Science, Department of Surgical Diseases, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand branch of the RSCEMP, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Central Asia.
  • Khusniddin Alisher ugli Jumanov Master of Science, Department of Surgical Diseases, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand branch of the RSCEMP, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, Central Asia
Keywords: Thermal Inhalation, Tracheobronchitis, Pneumonia, Respiratory Tract, Treatment


Despite the achieved certain successes in the treatment of victims with combined thermal trauma, a wide arsenal of modern pharmacological agents and medical equipment, it should be recognized that the existing principles of treatment of this severe category of victims are mainly syndromic in nature, and treatment-tactical algorithms require further development, depending on the severity of damage to the respiratory system and prognostic assessment of the outcome of combined thermal injury.


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How to Cite
Ishnazar Boynazarovich Mustafakulov, Jurabek Ibodulloyevich Alimov, Akobir Fakhriddinovich Ergashev, Yokubjon Erkin ugli Khursanov, & Khusniddin Alisher ugli Jumanov. (2021). Unsolved Problems Treatment of Patients with Thermal Inhalation Injuries (Literature Review). Asian Journal of Medical Research, 10(2), 1-5. Retrieved from https://aijournals.com/index.php/ajmr/article/view/1999