To Compare the Role of Topical Platelet Administration with Normal Saline Dressing (NS) in Chronic Diseases

Role of Topical Platelet in Chronic Diseases

  • N. Juniorsundresh Professor, Department of Surgery, Raja Muthaih Medical College and Hospital, India
  • S. Narendran Emeritus Professor, Department of Surgery, MGR University, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Epithelization, Wound Healing, Platelet Dressing


Background: The ulcer is deemed chronic if it lasts for longer than 6 weeks. It has a significant effect on the quality of life. They can cause sub- stantial morbidity and injury and their propensity for causing extreme physical or psychological trauma for patients is generally underestimated. The objective is to the aim of the study was to compare the role of topical platelet administration with normal saline dressing in chronic ulcers. Design: This was a Randomized Controlled study. Duration: One year i.e. 2017 to 2018. Participants: The study included 80 patients comprising men and women with non-healing ulcer diagnosis who were admitted for intervention in the surgery department of Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Hospital. Subjects andMethods: Two random groups, Group A and Group B, comprising of 40 patients each group. Comprehensive history and clinical evaluation were conducted in both groups and all details were collected. The original condition of the ulcer has been identified and appropriate wound debrided in both groups, if necessary. The dressing and examination of the patients is preceded by observations. Data was recorded almost every 5th day from the date of entry to 10th day. The effectiveness measurement was dependent upon the size of the ulcer as well as the presence of epithelization at the wound area. Results: group A patients showed wound area contraction rate of 1.8 mm2 per day. Group B patients showed wound area contraction rate of 0.8mm2per day. P value for wound contraction rate was less than 0.001. In group A epithelization was noted between 5th day and 10thday and mean period was 6.2 days. In group B epithelization was noted between 5th day and 10thday and mean period was 8.5 days. Conclusion : It can be concluded that PRP dressing can be used as a safe adjunct in wound healing.


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